• On Life and Love

    This Week’s Del.icio.us bookmarks

    Shared bookmarks for del.icio.us user Irrsinn slight paranoia: TSA has outsourced the TSA Traveler Identity Verification Program? — Oh, dear. From my favorite TSA prober. Tagged as: [security TSA] slight paranoia: Plausible Deniability via 2 wifi-routers? — This sounds like a hot setup. Tagged as: [internet-security techie] Eugene Robinson – An Inarticulate Kickoff – washingtonpost.com — "Here we have a man who graduated from Columbia University, […] who’s a leading contender for the Democratic presidential nomination, and what do you know, he turns out to be articulate." Tagged as: [race politics] Throw some cheese on it … :: tiffany b. brown // v 4.1 — This is just too much!…

  • On Life and Love

    This Week’s Del.icio.us bookmarks

    Shared bookmarks for del.icio.us user Irrsinn Is Dakota Fanning in kiddie porn? – By Torie Bosch – Slate Magazine — Ah, child pr0n. That always brings in the worried folks. Tagged as: [pornography film-making] Gadget Lab: No Sex, Please; We’re Sony — "Adult movie producer Digital Playground said this week that it recently tried to start a line of Blu-ray titles but found that Sony had ruled porn as unworthy of a Blu-ray license." Tagged as: [media techie] Re: LyXTextClassList::Read: no textclasses found! (Windows) — I’ve had this problem every time I install LyX 1.4.3-5. Tagged as: [software]

  • On Life and Love

    Fire! (fighter)

    So I’m doing a bit of Internet stalking of old high school peeps, and I just found out that one of my old buddies seems to be a fireman. If you look closely at the photo on page 7 of this report, you’ll totally see old P. fighting fire (and in the Navy). Dude was always a foot taller than anyone else. Naval firefighter. That’s so cool.

  • On Life and Love

    Yodeling at the dinner table

    Explaining that reference is worthy of a whole ‘nother podcast, and one that really should have been during Chrimmus break. Unfortunately, it would involve making fun of a very prominent computer scientist that I had the honor of meeting, so it seems inappropriate. Coincidentally, as inappropriate as yodeling at the dinner table. This podcast is a rant. I sat at my computer tonight and debated whether to write this or podcast it, and found myself asking one question: which will better convey my exhaustion and frustration? Voice. So here it is. It’s crabby and inappropriate, but here it is. Me yodeling. Sites referenced: DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana. There doesn’t…

  • On Life and Love

    Bad weather? Eh.

    So the response on how to handle crappy weather was essentially, “Make sure you plan for bad weather in making it to your destination.” They also said that if DePauw was closed, they’d call/email me sometime after 08:00 to tell me the interview was canceled. …It’s a 40 mile drive in (potentially) snow and ice. I won’t be reachable by 08:00; in fact, I will probably have been on the road for an hour already. Frustrated sigh. We’ll see, I suppose.