• Uncategorized

    Downgrade failure.

    I don’t care much for WordPress 2.0. It’s pretty and sleek, but there’s an as-yet-unsolved issue with WordPress hijacking access attempts to directories that shouldn’t be covered by mod_rewrite and have authentication settings on them via .htaccess. Result: lots of 404 errors when attempting to get to my statistics and my personal radio. That’s not the only thing that’s broken in WP 2.0, but that’s the only problem I’ve run across, aside from my general dislike of the WYSIWYG editor. So I tried to downgrade to WordPress 1.5.2. Unfortunately, it borked my database a bit. I re-upgraded to 2.0 and tried to downgrade again. Failure. Now I’m back to WP…

  • On Life and Love

    Midnight linkage

    The twelve caricatures of Mohammed – signandsight » From Blackfeminist, I want to single this link out as an excellent compilation of opinions written in newspapers around the world on the caricatures. Updated frequently with new excepts.

  • On Life and Love

    Two links and a question.

    First, Stobor has done what the Rose-Hulman webmaster has refused to do: created an RSS feed of the Rose-Hulman news page. About damn time. In other news, the gay bar rampager that I linked about just yesterday has been shot and killed in a shoot-out in Arkansas. What a messy way to go. Question: What would happen to the Middle East if all countries with money and power completely ceased giving them money?

  • On Life and Love

    Slow at processing.

    So at a meeting today, a group of about 100 of us students were subjected to a lecture by a local high school teacher that provided evidence that no, I really don’t ever want to be a high school teacher. Not if it ever turns me that cynical.