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    Here’s what I want a solution to: Microsoft Exchange uses the typical Outlook rules, except that they’re stored on the server. This is nice, because you can automatically sift through and sort emails before you ever see them in Outlook or Outlook Web Access. These rules permit emails to be automcatically forwarded or redirected. Forwarding works in the same style as manual forwarding, in which the subject line is prepended with “FW:” and the original headers lie within the message. Redirecting, on the other hand, obliterates the original headers and makes it seem that the email was sent directly to the person the email is redirected to. Those options aren’t…

  • On Life and Love

    Interesting effect.

    The interesting thing about having an SO is that there is (at least at this phase) much less motivation to reach out and share all of my thoughts with the world. One of the reasons I started blogging was that I felt like I couldn’t rope anyone into sitting down long enough to listen to me babble about all the minutae in my life–all my weird little theories about weird little shit that probably won’t matter in the long run. But now I’ve got someone to listen. I’ve got a best friend who thinks it’s cute when I run off on tangents researching things like the Terry Schiavo case (*shrug*)…

  • On Life and Love

    Growth not unlike a fungal infection

    So in the Anime club, we’ve been watching a series called “Last Exile“. I don’t know quite how to characterize it except to say that it’s very… Germanic. Many the characters are little blond-haired, blue eyed folks; the main character’s name is Claus; and–this may sound like an odd association–but a lot of the colors are beiges or military-bland greens and blues and greys. One of WO’s roommates described it as Napoleonic, which may also be accurate due to the steam-based tech. For the first couple weeks (7 or so episodes), I couldn’t stand the show. It seemed pretty focused on just two kids on their vanship (flying boat) running…

  • On Life and Love

    NaNoWriMo, once again!

    NaNoWriMo has opened for registration for this season, and I’ve already reopened my account from last year. This year will be harder for me than last year; last year I had the entire week of Thanksgiving to pound out 20k words, but this year I will be forced to more evenly distribute the writing throughout the month, since I don’t want to sequester myself once I get to Phoenix. Problem is, the first three weeks of November are the last three weeks of the academic term, which means projects will be wrapping up, last exams and finals will be failed taken, etc. I didn’t touch my story last year until…