• On Life and Love

    One day nursery

    So remember that Ace of Base song, “All That She Wants“? The chorus goes: All that she wants is another baby She’s gone tomorrow boy Okay, this song came out in 1993. Why is it that it’s not until 12 years later that I understand that the song is about a booty call instead some weird woman’s quick desire for a child? *blush* I am so dumb.

  • On Life and Love

    Getting a prescription

    Why is the BSB study room the home of all the dice-rolling RPG/D & D geeks? Jeebus. After my weird Thorn-related seedy RPG-underbelly dice rolling fever dream last night, I’m finding all this rather funny… According to the roommate, I just need a prescription for more cowbell. …yeah.

  • On Life and Love

    Poly? But not -sci.

    I had an interesting debate with a coworker today about poly[amorous] relationships. He was recently burned by a woman who seems to have been a bit confused about whether she wanted to be with her boyfriend or not. But this girls’ confusion aside, there seems to be an idea that open relationships (which I will use interchangably with poly relationships) exist for the purpose of 1) allowing each partner to have a “replacement [SO]” in the case of long distance relationships, and 2) allowing people to be promiscious without care or boundaries. Hmm. I disagree with those. Our is a very pro-monogamous society, and advocating poly relationships as the moral…

  • On Life and Love

    On life and love…

    That’s what I’ve named the category for all these general posts, so it’s fitting to have a blog post by the same name. Life is going well. I spend my time working (school work and for money), chillin’ with WO, Thorning, reading, and sleeping. I have stopped doing things with NSBE. I have started back running after a two-week hiatus. I have joined another club and am content to be a mere participant with no responsibilities other than attending the weekly meetings and going to Steak ‘n Shake afterwards. I’m about 80 pages into Autobiography of a Blue-Eyed Devil by Inga Muscio and I just started Intelligence, Genes, and Success:…