• On Life and Love

    del.icio.us is back!

    Not that it went away anywhere other than on this site, but, well, these things happen. Instead of fighting with Eric Anderson’s Del.icio.us Integrator for WordPress (which decided to stop working suddenly [possibly related to my upgrade to WP 1.5.2]), I’m using del.icio.us’s own JavaScript method (called linkrolls) of displaying links. Thusly, I am again displaying links. The way it’s set up is all slick and dynamic and stuff. Now, if I can just kill the damn PHP error on my archive page… (Oh, and for completely unrelated linkage, see this. *grin* I feel famous.)

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    Effects of Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo

    I’ve been taking the stuff for almost two weeks now, and the effects are interesting enough to write about. The two effects I primarily notice are (in no particular order) water retentention and sex drive change. Oh, yeah. This may fall under TMI for some folks.

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    Me, a jock?

    Yesterday, while WO and I were giving the incoming freshmen tours, he called me a jock as I launched into an explanation of the SRC facilities. Now, I know he didn’t mean it to be insulting. Ignoring the fact that all the mothers on the tour suddenly gave me a once-over (I was wearing a tank-top and shorts, so they could see most of my muscle and most of my fat), I found the term a little odd. Does weight-lifting and running alone make me a jock? WO says yes, along with the fact that I track weight-lifting workouts. That doesn’t fit with my idea of a jock. From a…

  • On Life and Love

    Three things: pass it forward

    Stolen from Krista: List 3 things that bug you – things that others may find trivial. If you have an idea on how to fix it, be sure to put that down too. Then tag 6 of your friends. Only list three things because you may/can be tagged again. Slowness – Not just ordinary slowness. I mean slowness in getting started on things that you know need to be done. I mean stopping in the middle of a project to dick around and leaving shit in shambles while you frolic. I mean dragging a five hour project out over two or three days. I also mean being late getting places…

  • On Life and Love

    Scariest thing ever.

    Dreamhost‘s “Let’s Save Our Environment” “music video”. Jebus, I couldn’t stop laughing at that poor man. Watch it, including the little credits box at the end. I dare you. Dreamhost is also hosting a Remix Contest related to that video–winner gets free hosting for life. If I had the l33t audio/video skillz, I’d hack that shit up. In other news, today is my last day at work. I’m also having a new bed delivered to the apartment this afternoon. The summer is coming to an end, but it’s been marvelous.