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    Slow, but fun

    Today’s run was slow, although it was only 5 km. WO and I were being particularly social, so the middle 1.5 km were on his pace and scheduling of intervals (per one of the weeks of the Couch-to-5K program) rather than my usual. I experimented with running 800 m and 1 km around my time with WO, though, and both were doable, although the 1 km needed to be slow. So 800 m it is for this week. I’m not stretching my calves enough, evidently, because I fought legs and lungs today, which is no good. So stretches before bed and after waking up. I also ate well today, despite…

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    Existentialist… but then, we knew that.

    You scored as Existentialism. Your life is guided by the concept of Existentialism: You choose the meaning and purpose of your life. �Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does.� �It is up to you to give [life] a meaning.� –Jean-Paul Sartre �It is man’s natural sickness to believe that he possesses the Truth.� –Blaise Pascal More info at Arocoun’s Wikipedia User Page… Existentialism 90% Justice (Fairness) 75% Utilitarianism 70% Hedonism 70% Strong Egoism 45% Nihilism 30% Apathy 20% Kantianism 10% Divine Command 5% What philosophy do you follow? (v1.03)created with QuizFarm.com

  • On Life and Love

    Chi-town fun…

    So this weekend was Chicago. Mae picked me up at 05:30-ish and we hit the road, driving up IN-63 N, then I-94 W. I took the second leg of the drive, and Mae and I chatting about just about anything that came to mind, despite the early hour. A tinkle stop just inside of Chicago got us all kinds of lost. See, I’m used to highways where if you get off , you should be able to go through whatever intersection is at the overpass, then hop right back on the highway. Nope. We stopped at a McDonald’s and were never able to get back on the highway. I got…

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    Counting to four…

    Weightlifting Thursday didn’t go particularly well. It may have been too soon after the heavy lifting of Tuesday, but I had all sorts of trouble throwing the weights around. Leg press: 13/9 @ 55 lb Bench press: 15/9 @15 lb Lat pulldown: 15/12 @ 144 lb Shoulder press: 15/11 @ 5 lb Anterior tibialis: left: 9/6, right: 14/8 @ 10 lb There’s obviously stagnation there, and maybe even a step back. I may be pushing too hard (too close to failure on the sets), and I’m definitely sure I’m not eating right. Some of the eating is stress, but all of it is ultimately me not exerting some willpower over…