• On Life and Love

    Slacker bumness

    I’ve been feeling like crap this week, and am using that as an excuse to work less and sleep more. Some would be proud. I just want another nap, preferably uninterrupted. On my way to lunch yesterday, I ran into Texas-D. Texas-D is a very nice, very charming sophomore who’s involved quite heavily with the Film Club (as are newspaper-Bob and several others on the newspaper staff). So he stops me and randomly asks me to say, “Guys, you know I’m a chick, right?” I do so, and he begs me to pretty please go to the library later that day to record a quick line for him. He emphasized…

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    Mediocre on the funness scale.

    But not high on the time-consuming scale, either. Stolen from Jenny during my little procrastination stint; I think I earned it, since I actually took homework with me to workout today (my last refuge, gone!). you are deepskyblue#00BFFF Your dominant hues are cyan and blue. You like people and enjoy making friends. You’re conservative and like to make sure things make sense before you step into them, especially in relationships. You are curious but respected for your opinions by people who you sometimes wouldn’t even suspect. Your saturation level is very high – you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you…

  • On Life and Love

    Bestest. Pictures. Ever.

    On the left is Bob, on the right, Luke. If they’d had sunglasses, they’d have been unstoppable. We were all trussed up for the Career Fair on Wednesday. Now, Luke insists that he was looking “damned sexy”, but I happen to think most men look better in suits. He insists that he in particular was damned sexy. Of course, Luke is a narcissistic glamor-shot-lovin’ boy who posed for entire series of photos with no qualms whatsoever where I would have run away to hide. The remainder of those photos are sitting safe and sound on my computer… *smirk* Right. So. Paper production was decent this week, although I [accidentally] put…

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    Question of the week

    My professor (disappointingly) couldn’t answer this without going into Cold War rhetoric (albeit thoughtful rhetoric): what makes Fidel Castro a bad person/the enemy? Better yet, is he a bad person? Even moving away from him as a person, why is his government bad? It is because the people under him have fewer political freedoms than we [think we?] do? It’d be nice to hear an answer from someone in my generation that hasn’t merely imported popular belief.

  • On Life and Love

    Got it covered, Cap’n.

    The entity that is Bluke Starlein was quoted in a local newspaper article. Yay Bluke! I was nominated for EIC at the Thorn meeting. I will have a staff of unknowns. I will have to work hella hard to get everyone together and enthusiastic and learning and working productively enough to keep me from needing to clean up behind them so much that I might as well be doing the original work myself. And I haven’t had the business aspects put on me yet. One thing makes it better, though: our contact at the printing company is a very nice guy. His advice for me on Tuesday was that “If…