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    www@10 for u.

    So it’s the tenth anniversary[-ish] of the advent of the World Wide Web, and Rose is hosting this conference WWW@10: The Dream and the Reality. It was awesome. I taunted my Old Man with it a couple of weeks ago, sending him a “nyah, nyah” that he wouldn’t be here to hear these people speak, these people who struggled to get and keep their academic networks functioning for the “simple” pleasure of sending USENET posts, not to mention the overseas battle with the PTT. I was enthralled, and I felt like a dirty, narcoleptic bum for nodding off during the talks I went to Friday. That’s not a reflection on…

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    Bad idea du jour

    Going for a run when tired or sleepy? Not so bad. It’ll wake you up. Going for a run when exhausted and sleepy and near a breaking point? Not such a good idea. I got almost a half-hour into my 05:00 run this morning (no sleep, très stressful day and night) before I realized that I’d almost dozed twice. How in the hell do you doze while running at a good clip? By a half-hour, I was basically stumbling along numbly, so I ran the Hill to get back to my dorm room, dizzy and cloudy-headed. Not an invigorating run, except for the fact that I realized my shuffle was…

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    More news re: Jordy

    Jordy is going to be fine. The concussion was mild, and the surgery done on his leg today was to place pins in his hip, apparently. He should be out of the hospital in about four days. I don’t have the full story on what happened, but I do know he was driving from work in Georgetown (a small town in Kentucky) to home (Paris) on one of the two-lane highways prevalent in the area one night when he was hit by a drunk driver. One of his lungs partially collapsed, there was the mild concussion, and his leg apparently got torn up by some metal. There’s probably going to…

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    Once again, here I go.

    What I thought was a done situation is apparently not. I got a nice accusation of “character defamation” today. So once again, I’m on the Roommate Situation. Call it ass-covering, call it punking out, call it simple clarification, but those who read and made conclusions and have thoughts on the matter would do well to listen up, hopefully just this once more. This includes members of Rose-Hulman’s administration, who will undoubtedly receive this post if they aren’t checking my blog themselves. I may even send it along myself. The orders of business for the evening are 1) clarifying some things that were unclear in the conclusion of the story and…

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    Intellectual Whores and the “Ladder Theory” of male/female interaction. I’ve only gotten through the Why’s and What’s of “intellectual whores”, but my brain has already been ripped open and prodded with a red-hot poker. So many things are quotable and are making me question my friendships with various men. There are so many things I want to write in response to just the little I’ve read, but I’m strangely incoherent on the issue. Wow.