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    "Wow, Lissa, it’d be wonderful if you got that HPLC working…"

    It feels like the only way to get more than the bare minimum done is to do it all myself. Is it bad that I’m already planning to take a pillow and blanket into the Thorn office and sleep all day Saturday after my run, damning all work that needs to be done? I’m not stressed, and I’m not really sleep deprived, but I’m damn tired anyway. I’m having trouble doing fun things, like programming more of the Thorn ad manager system that I agreed to do. Or finishing the fourth Harry Potter book. (It’s Tuesday, and I’m already whining. Ugh.)

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    An hour down, and four days to go.

    I ran something shy of five miles (4.5 – 4.7 mi, by pace) in about 58 minutes this morning. The run wasn’t difficult, really. It felt long, but not difficult. I may start focusing on picking up the pace more in the first half, since I have a tendency to go slow on the way out and haul ass to get back home. I’m not even going to repeat the fact that I’m tired. I suspect this will endure for the remainder of the quarter.

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    Lack of food and sleep do not a good run make

    I only made it about 46 minutes this morning before my body simply quit on me: light-headedness, light headache, feet not wanting to leave the ground, aching neck, shoulders, and arms. The problem with Sunday and Monday morning runs is that [more than likely] I won’t have eaten since lunch the previous day, since the cafeteria on campus is closed. This makes sustaining energy a little difficult. Combine this with a strong desire to simply sleep for one morning without an alarm, and this can make runs into interesting exercises in willpower. Morning runs are still best, though. Most of the bugs are still sleeping (or whatever bugs do when…

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    Goal of the day.

    To think of a food that isn’t breakfast food, that doesn’t need to be cooked in some fashion (I have no microwave, and no oven cookware), that can serve as a meal (particularly, as dinner when the cafeteria is closed), and that doesn’t have an expiration date shorter than a month (if it has one at all). And cheap would be awesome.