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    Shoulder Update: Steroid Shot!

    I got in to see the rather awesome (medical bill pending) sports doctor at my doctor’s office yesterday, and got my (*tear*) first ever cortisone shot. She ran me through a painful battery of tests (painful because they were designed to find my limits) and determined that, yup, I did a great job of aggravating and maybe worsening my old injury. May have been a small rotator cuff tear back then or now, but the result now is a loosey-goosey shoulder joint (very weak stabilizing muscles) combined with some super-tight (ow) tendons. Given that I can’t take NSAIDs, she recommended the steroid shot. I also start physical therapy next week.…

  • On Life and Love

    Too Human Was… Too Human

    Sorry, I really couldn’t come up with anything wittier than that. I finished Too Human about a month ago at this point, I think. Let’s celebrate that for a moment. Given my propensity for games like Sims, GalCiv 2, and Civ 4, getting to finish a game is always a miracle. Guy totally warned me about some of the game’s disappointments, so I went in with eyes open. It was… alright. Kinda fun early on. Really frustrating later. I want more, but not more of what was in Too Human. (I’m restarting Fallout 3–which I never finished–as the balm for my ache.) A couple of nights ago, Greg and I…

  • On Life and Love

    Chewing on Granny Squares

    My knitting colleague E. made the (arguably) goofy decision to refresh her crocheting skills by taking on a granny squares blanket. It’s a great idea for using up a ton of scrap yarn. It’s not a great idea if you enjoyed the level of sanity you had when you started. She quickly ran into the classic self-randomizing problem: given 20 different colored yarns of different weights, how do you put 3 different ones in each square while trying to keep the colors as random as possible? Sounds easy enough, but after 15 or so squares, it gets tricky. If you’re aiming for randomization, the last thing you want is a…

  • On Life and Love

    Moving: Done

    As this is posting, Greg is handling the final details of vacating our old house. It took a week and a half to clean that house suitably–a sure sign that the house was too ridiculously large in the first place. Oh, well. The me of today is not the me of two years ago. Unfortunately, my shoulder wasn’t completely better yesterday despite being done with the steroids, and an hour medfitation, half an hour sitting and discussing a book, and over three hours of climbing around cleaning house last night have reinjured my shoulder. Could be a different injury: I still have the jerky rotation, but my shoulder burns and…

  • On Life and Love

    Weekly Linkage: Friday Fon

    That’s, um, fon. I’m currently taking an evening off from former-house cleaning to sit and chill with my busted shoulder. An old, old injury reared its head when we moved, and my left arm can’t raise more than about 20 degrees from straight down without quite a bit of pain. Lifting is a no-go. I’m very lucky that my right shoulder (also generally wonky) didn’t give way, too. This week’s been chock full of coding, moving, fun food, and a bit of escapism, and my reading probably reflects that: