• On Life and Love

    Chapter 10 of Witches posted!

    Chapter 10, “Opening Salvo” is posted: “What brings you to my world, little bug?” the colorful woman asked Hardi and Robert. Her glance flitted between both of them before settling on Hardi. “Well?” she cooed, head tilting. Her accent was much lighter than Lucia’s. Hardi straightened in her seat. “We’re looking for the people who have been attacking your world.” She paused briefly as six guards entered and took up positions in the corners and framing the door. “Are you hiding them here?” Not much longer on Witches–just a few more chapters. I’ll probably spend some time with my lovely arties before starting another close-ended piece like Witches. I miss…

  • On Life and Love

    Weekly linkage

    This week’s internet cruising: A Beginner’s Guide to Website Feedback – If I can wrap up and launch this damn character sheet app, stuff in this post will be handy for when it betas, especially the surveying. I suspect the LARPing audience will be sufficiently… opinionated to speak on it. Six Useful CSS3 Tools – Some of these are pretty slick, if you're moving into CSS3 development. Sharpening the blade, part MCMXVII: Nine Amazing Hours. – This is incredibly cool, and I plan to use it for a bit and see if it helps me focus. Amazing Examples of Paper Art – I almost hate to link to this, in…

  • On Life and Love

    “Pursuit” posted and character sheet news

    Chapter 9 of Witches, “Pursuit” is live. Actually, it went live yesterday, I just neglected to post here for it. I was busy having my ass handed to me by some type of hydra. Damn D & D 4e hydras. It had seven heads by the end. “But how do we get you out of here without anyone noticing?” Robert asked absently. Satisfied that her hand was fine, he pulled his hands back out of the attached gloves. Hardi tamped down a grin of victory. “Nice and easy. You’re going to create a distraction, and we’re going to slip out.” A small smile played on his lips as he asked,…

  • Uncategorized

    Tools, Consumption, and Sin-Eaters

    In working on my Character Sheet Manager for Geist characters, I’m finally building something that I’ve wanted for a couple of years now in projects at work — an Exception logger. Just a piece of middleware that grabs exceptions and logs them somewhere. In my case that’s Redmine, which has an API for manipulating issues. It’s not a perfect API, alas, because I can’t add notes to issues; I have to update the description of the original item. Django makes this very, very easy to build. I have an app in my project just for this Redmine connectivity, and I can keep its code and tests separate and independent. I’m…

  • On Life and Love

    Two weeks’ linkage, ah, ah, ah

    For two weeks’ worth of links, there aren’t very many. Then again, I do still have 173 unread items in Google Reader. glenscott.net » Restore an Eee PC 701 back to factory Xandros from a USB stick with no ASUS Support DVD – This proved quite handy last night in restoring ol' Tammy to defaults for Greg. The legend of the superprogrammer – "Caper Jones, in an unpublished 1977 study for IBM, found that the very best developers are much more productive than the worst programmer — when working on small projects. The best developer will complete a 1k line of code (LOC) effort 6 times faster than the lousiest.…