• On Life and Love

    Mo’ money, mo’ problems: a retirement app idea

    I mentioned this obliquely a couple of weeks ago, but I’m wigging out a bit about retirement. In 39 years I will be 65, and I don’t have solid plans with numbers behind them. Socking away $5k a year into an IRA just isn’t enough. Back in the day, I loved, loved, loved Microsoft Money’s Lifetime Planner. It asked you all sorts of questions about when you were going to have a kid and how much you were saving in various accounts, their expected returns, how much you thought you needed to live on in retirement, etc. Then it crunched the numbers and gave you a big graph showing your…

  • On Life and Love

    Quasi-daily linkage

    Penny Arcade! – The Universal Analogy – I don't think there's any harm in a bit of mocking humor on the oil spill. If It Was My Home – Visualizing the BP Oil Spill – Courtesy of @markrickert. Awesome visualization. I do not approve | Prometheus 6 – Wells Fargo and the NAACP up to some shady business? The Cure for Income Irregularity | MintLife Blog – This seems like a nice method for planning for irregular income. There will be no history majors coming out of Texas – Um, this mess is crazy. I’d advise against eating shellfish for the rest of your life – Huge plumes of deep-water…

  • Uncategorized


    I have a cast! Purple is one of my favorite colors, and I was quick to pick it for the thing I’ll be staring at and working around for the next 4 weeks. I’m still mostly left-handed, except now I’m stuck taking baths, too. 🙁 Good news is that my wrist hurts less since I got the cast put on.

  • Uncategorized

    Snap, jack!

    So, while I was in San Antonio on Friday, I went rollerskating with Dre and T-dawg. Being more than a little rusty, I fell. Twice. Took a kid with me, too, although it was his fault for skating right across my path. Did I look like I knew how to stop? Anyway, when I gallantly saved the kid from my crushing weight by falling back, I–of course–caught myself on my right wrist. That’s fine. Just a sprain, right? Flying back to Charlotte was annoying. Constant pain, luggage all left-handed and awkward. I ended up getting a store-bought brace, which helped a bit. Yesterday, though… Typing and note-taking and everything… ow.…

  • On Life and Love

    Quasi-daily linkage

    Net Worth – So true. Buttersafe – The Five Stages – This is a particularly well-done Buttersafe comic. The Gen Y Guide to Personal Finance | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice – A wonderfully concise guide to getting started saving for retirement. There are certain folks (you know who you are) who I want to beat over the head for their resistance to saving for retirement. I'm slow to start because of my loans, but I'm getting there anyway, and I'm aware of how important it is. Congress at the Cash Register: How Financial Reform Could Affect Your Shopping | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News &…