On Life and Love

Whatever is making or breaking my day.

  • On Life and Love

    Simply amazing.

    WO introduced me to this game this weekend called Typing of the Dead. It was one of those games that would have been made for an arcade where you had a gun used to shoot at zombies, like House of the Dead or something. Since it’s on a PC, though, you don’t actually shoot the baddies. You type whatever set of characters (maybe a word, maybe a few letters, maybe a sentence) that represents them. Speed matters, and too many typing mistakes gets you killed. But it learns. Things you type well come up less and less. Genius. It’s hard, but it’s fun. It’s also a bit dorky (FBI agents…

  • On Life and Love

    Home again, home again.

    I went home for part of this past weekend. Not too much interesting happened other than getting to say hi, but I had a disappointing discussion with the Old Man about weight lifting. It was good to see everyone, though, and driving seven hours within 24 hours didn’t phase me at all. On Saturday night, WO and I went to a local coffeehouse to see Whisper Down, a band that consists of three Rose professors (including Dr. McKnuckleberry) and a couple of their wives. They put on an excellent show. Dr. McK can sing, and the band on whole was pretty damn good, skillwise. They chose good songs, and played…