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    “Snow Day”

    “Snow Day, by Jennifer Pelland. At that link, you can download an EscapePod reading of the story (which is also wonderfully done). Definitely worth a download and listen. I mean, who doesn’t like robot sex? If you’re into podcasting, you may want to subscribe to the EscapePod ‘cast, because it’s a good one. Short stories, flash fiction, all science fiction. Updated 7/19/2005 to add links to the author’s website and EscapePod.

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    Yay for lunch.

    Things are coming together a little better on the redesign. I installed WordPress in such a way as it’s managing all my content now, even though I haven’t moved all my content into the database yet. I decided to keep the purple. Note that I moved off the posts from the Physical Matters category–most people aren’t going to care about that stuff. It’s not out of the RSS feed yet, but it won’t show up here. See Physical Matters for that. That’ll be polished off later today, most likely. Everything in the design is still a little rough, but I wanted to finally just get something up, because I’ve been…

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    Weightlifting and rowing

    Weightlifting yesterday (weights do not include the weight of the machine): Leg press: 15/15 @ 45 lb (+10) Bench press: 13/6 @20 lb (-5) Lat pulldown: 13/12 @ 144 lb Shoulder press: 15/8 @ 5 lb Anterior tibialis: 13 all/8 all @ 10 lb Also did 17 minutes on the rowing machine. Don’t know *why* 17 precisely, but it sounded like a good medium. It was surprisingly easy, which creeps me out a little. Next time I think I’ll do a round 20 minutes.

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    Did a quick and dirty rehashing of things around here. This is all you get today, because I am le tired. More tomorrow.

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    Back on the game

    Wonderful run today–painless except for the fact that I need to change directions on the track. It felt long, and my lungs didn’t like me, but I am definitely getting better. Now I just need to keep up the same intervals for the rest of this week before I reassess how to increase next week.