And with a bit of grumpiness…
Those sinus problems I was having a few days ago? They became identifiable as a full-blown sinus infection by Saturday night. By Sunday night, I felt like a big pile of shit, and called in sick to work. I ended up not going to class this morning after a light-headed/feverish spell made me fall in the shower (more embarrassing than painful), and the little sparklies in my vision wouldn’t fade for about five minutes, despite cooler water, putting my head between my knees, etc. I couldn’t get a sub for work tonight, so I went in, sniffled all over the microphone, and left after a half-hour. My temperature about a…
Bonne annee, or Xin nian yu kuai
My mother had the bright idea yesterday morning of making a dress for the dressy New Year’s party I would be attending that evening. She had a pattern for a simple (ha!) dress, and all we needed to get was a zipper for the back from the store. I began working on the pattern and fabric cutting while she bought the zipper, and was ready to start assembly by noon. Eight and three quarters hours later, I had a dress (ill-fitting, but a dress, and salvagable at that). I would like to find the names and addresses of the people that write the directions for these patterns–surely things could have…
The DMV and the LotR
Lots of happy jumping and dancing and squeaking and yelling goin’ on ’round herr. I dun got my license this morning. Clear the damn roads. I’m not even going to complain about the five hours I spent at the DMV yesterday only to find out I couldn’t even take my road test. It’s all good, baby. Got to hang out some with Dulin last night, as we rented the second Lord of the Rings, then drove to the theater to see the third one. I’d be lying my ass off if I said I found the movie all good and cute and fun. It’s been said (link courtesy of Dru…
Fondue: melted; or "I have a penis, and it needs rubbin’!"
The above are (thank goodness) much less related than one would think. I departed the family abode Tuesday afternoon to hang out with Michael in his spiffy new (to him) Astro-something van. Our friend Rackrent was stuck at home baby-sitting her sick brother, so we dropped by to visit and give her my Christmas gift. Somehow, she ended up coming with us on our fun and aimless journey–the more the merrier, I say. Well, to a certain extent. But her presence was welcome. It was decided, sometime after picking Rackrent up and purchasing a Christmas gift for a family member of Michael’s, that we simply must hit The Melting Pot…
All About Me
Ain’t it always? I threw up a new About Page yesterday… well, last night while doing the Thorn. The idea of a descriptive alphabet was new to me (and to the tired About page), so I figured I’d try it. [Listening to “Carnival” [Tori Amos / Mission Impossible 2 [Soundtrack]]]