Farm Tours: Goats, Horses, and Cows
Here’s a great way to spend a Saturday: driving around in rural Charlotte-ish areas, then walking around and seeing goats, horses, cattle, pigs, donkeys, plants, and bees. Yes, bees. Some folks and I gathered a couple of weeks ago to tour three farms. The first was Apple Orchard Farm (my favorite!), the second was Maple Springs (too pumpkiny and commercial), and a third one I forgot the name of (with sad animals). I took and posted quite a few pictures, because most of the animals were adorable, and the ones that weren’t were often notably sad. Apple Orchard will definitely become my go-to farm for if/when we need extra meat…
Purple Curry, Skillet Pizza, and Eggplant-Beef Stir Fry
A veritable festival of summer cooking, largely inspired by the CSA we’re part of. Purple Curry First, we got purple carrots in one of our CSA boxes: Then we were like, what do we do with purple carrots? The answer is, apparently, eat them. So we did.
2011 Gardening: Some Stall, Some Progress
Let’s go ahead and get the bad out of the way: Stalls I put several of the two-leaf seedlings outside for a day or two, thinking that sun is awesome. Tomatoes want “full sun”, right? …Sun isn’t awesome.
First CSA Box: Yummy!
Our first CSA box from Know Your Farms:
Getting Back on a Training Schedule
Back in December I was all like, “Hey, I’m go kinda free-form with this running thing for a while!” That didn’t work so well. I ran… some. I got faster… some. Then came the normal reasons for stopping exercise: hey, got this huge party to plan; the guys are coming over for D & D; I’ll clean house instead; I just need a little bit of relaxation; etc.