• On Life and Love

    Weekly linkage

    This week’s internet cruising: louisgray.com: Why I Turned In My iPhone and Went Android – I love this article. I've written before that I'm considering switching, and at this point, it's only the cost of breaking contract that's holding me back. YouTube – heavymedic dance work in progress – unfinished – Y'all know I'm a doc/heavy shipper. Penny Arcade – The Sound Of A Klaxon – Regarding the iPhone 4: "She sees that phone the same way she would see a hat, or a ladle. If you had a ladle and you tried to get soup with the ladle but the soup came out, or fell out, or whatever the…

  • On Life and Love

    A bit less of a slacker

    I finally got off my ass and finished moving over my teaching retirement money. I asked them to cut me a check back in February so that I could do a rollover into an IRA. Well, turns out you can only rollover into a traditional IRA, so I got two accounts set up (traditional and Roth) and stalled, and stalled, then moved into the house, then stalled some more… Ah, life. It happens. And the check is chump change in the grand scheme of things, really… Blah, blah, inertia. I’m appreciating a new, larger salary now, though, and have located my inner “gazelle” (although it’s more like a puppy, really)…