Weekly Linkage
This week’s internet cruising: Seriously? – bitquabit – [H]e identified the Three “P”s of entrepreneurship: 'Profits, people and…you can figure it out.' [Muttering amongst the audience.] 'Women. People, profits, and women. Or men. Whatever. People, profits, and women.' No, no. He really means "Profits, people, and pussy." That shit's not funny. BBC World Service – Outlook, Neda Soltani: mistaken for a dead icon – Heard this story on NPR on an early, early morning drive to work. This was fucked up; it ruined her life in Iran and sent her fleeing to Germany to avoid (further) persecution by the Iranian government.
Fun Linkage
Errata Security: Confirmed: LinkedIn 6mil password dump is real – The updates on this are particularly interesting, as he writes about the speed of cracking passwords. Also, I want one of those video cards. An Architect’s Guide to Color – Color is beckoning this season, and one architect is heeding the call with a plethora of new hues to tempt your house's palette. Review: Sufan Stevens, Son Lux And Serengeti, ‘Beak And Claw’ : NPR – I picked up this album on iTunes and have to say that it's as quirky and cool as this review makes it out to be. Linux computer the size of a thumb drive now…
I Wanna Be a Gymnast When I Grow Up
Okay, no I don’t, but I was fair at gymnastics when I was a young’un. Anyway, last night I finally fulfilled my dream of seeing Cirque du Soleil; their Michael Jackson: The Immortal tour hit Charlotte this week. That was a real circus. And one hell of a performance in general. I have no pictures, because they disallowed photography of any sort, but I’m okay with that. (On a side note, does “Because of the pyrotechnics and strobe lights, we ask that there be no photography or recording of any kind” really translate to “We do our own PR and don’t want your crappy recordings on the internet”?) They paid…
Weekly Linkage: With a Bit of Politics
This week’s internet cruising: EJ Flavors – Cupid’s Hunt 2012 – Lost And Found: The Lost – An excellent Valentine's Day mix by EJ Flavors. Yeah, I know it's barely even February anymore, but Angela Bofill's "I Try" puts chills up my spine whenever I hear it. Google to Sell Heads-Up Display Glasses by Year’s End – NYTimes.com – I'm totally going to want to be an early adopter of these. If they seem promising, it'd be worth switching to contact lenses for. World population statistics – I always like these types of infographics. ^_^ Slavery By Another Name – I heard this on my local NPR station the other…
Funny Voices, Funny Lists, and GUCCI
Just a few links and a vibeo as I get back into the swing of things. The Complete Rules For Games | Rock, Paper, Shotgun – How can one not like do's and don't's for games? Especially when so many ring true? Lots of people can’t fire their insurance companies | The Incidental Economist – "[L]et’s unpack the idea that if individuals have their own insurance, the “insurance company will have an incentive to keep [them] healthy”. That’s totally backwards. The idea that people might fire their insurance companies is exactly why they don’t have an incentive to keep you healthy." This guy's pretty damn good. The De Niro impression…