Tee hee and le sigh.
Twenty Questions (courtesy of Mark)” You are an SEDF–Sober Emotional Destructive Follower. This makes you an evil genius. You are extremely focused and difficult to distract from your tasks. With luck, you have learned to channel your energies into improving your intellect, rather than destroying the weak and unsuspecting. Your friends may find you remote and a hard nut to crack. Few of your peers know you very well–even those you have known a long time–because you have expert control of the face you put forth to the world. You prefer to observe, calculate, discern and decide. Your decisions are final, and your desire to be right is impenetrable. You…
Very few, if any, updates for a minute
So I’m the Haute, living it up in this hellacious house with Jenn (I am so scrapping together the money to rent this house my junior year). Life is good. I have ready transportation, I have a nice job, the ability to workout on campus most days, and I can chill with moderately cool people during the day. I do not, however, have Internet access except for when I’m on campus. I can check e-mail during the lulls at work, but I really spend lulls working on the Java conversion of the UV/VIS data analyzer app. And reading sex tips in the latest Cosmo, courtesy of Jenn. But thus far…
So guess who’s qualified to drive anyone’s car now?
I learned how to drive a stick today. Actually, since I learned, it’s been more like, “OhmahgodIlearnedhowtodriveastick!” but we can leave off some of my enthusiasm. To say I’m qualified to drive anyone’s car is an overstatement, of course, given that I only drove said stick for about an hour, and that I didn’t get actually good at it until the end. But really, given my ever-growing love of driving, I will take the time to learn someone’s car so I can drive it. I’m just sick like that. I got a call early this afternoon from grungy-Chris, who’s a cool guy in a bad way and who doesn’t currently…
Interesting linkage–some old, some new
“Unfairenheit 9/11” – A review of Michael Moore’s latest. (link courtesy of Mark) Max Thrane’s “Why I hate Gmail” – An interesting complaint (with hilarious examples) on the hype that has sucked up bloggers regarding Gmail. (On a geeky note, that is a very sexy color scheme/layout on that site…) “UPN, blackspoitation of the 21th (sic) century” – Written by a Rose student (should this be advertised?), this is commentary on (as the title suggests) UPN’s choice of programming, complete with a proposed, ah, “solution”. The first half of the post has a good point, anyway. The second half is a little over the top. “Donor Eggs and Stupid Names…
Unfortunately, the difficult part is tomorrow…
So I’ve been working on this app for Dr. M–the UV/VIS number cruncher. I’ve got it working and all that good stuff, but I need to redesign the GUI, and that gets saved for tomorrow, with all the joys of fighting with Visual C++. The big thing was getting it working, and quickly, behind the scenes. I ran into an interesting dilemma where the app ran so slowly it was unbearable. It took twenty to thirty minutes to crunch about seventy thousand pairs of wavelength/absorbance data (a 1.3 MB comma delimited file). It took the old DOS version about a minute. It obviously wasn’t any of the algorithms Mr. Dr.…