Good things to know
Apparently, radiator hoses decay from the inside out, and should be checked every couple of years. Twenty-one year old radiator hoses are bound to fail. Along with the old people never driving the car anywhere (a plus), they never had the damn thing serviced (a minus). Coolant stinks, and the odor lingers. Nikolai likes to be chauffeured, and his car (some old Volvo) is hella fun to drive. A car that easily goes above 80 miles an hour without getting all “floaty”? Hell, yes… A car left on the side of an interstate overnight will be muddy and have an “Abandoned Vehicle” sticker on it, left by the police. I…
Museum Day!
I like paintings. When I got to Mae’s this morning, she asked me what I liked, and what I wanted to see at the museums today. I told her I wanted to see anything and everything, because I’m too ignorant to have a preference. She was willing to oblige. The only areas open at the IMA are the European and African areas, due to construction. We spent the first couple of hours in the European section, where I found myself lost in the minute details of many of the paintings, studying proportions, musculature, and hands. I found myself shying away from more Romantic and impressionist art and the dotted art…
And so my "break" begins…
Everyone high-tailed it out of here Friday night, and by Saturday afternoon, it was just me and one other girl, who I think is here because of softball. Last night, after returning from taking Bridget to the airport, I went to hang out with “Nikolai”, who I promised I would hang around over break. He just needs someone to prattle to while his two favorite girls are gone. And I can nod and say “uh-huh” every now and then for the opportunity to play some good ol’ mindless video games. So I whooped ass (yeah, right) at Soul Caliber while he talked about… well, hell if I remember. Somehow, however,…
I had an interesting revelation last night. This week, we did the newspaper on Wednesday night so it would be published in time for April Fool’s Day. It’s basically a four-page newspaper full of goofy pseudonyms, inside jokes, bad newspaper style errors, and (hopefully) ridiculously funny articles and classifieds/personals. I may steal the PDFs of the pages and post them, since he says he’s going to do it. The only downside to the night was that I did layout for all four pages in a single evening. Kinda tiring. There were too many good things to recount, alas, but one of the nice things was that I woke up this…
Quick update, since I’m busy studying. I’ve changed servers (again, I know). This means, however, that RSS feeds have changes, links have changed, etc. The new location of ANH is https://irrsinn.net/ethoughts/. The new RSS feed is https://irrsinn.net/ethoughts/rss.xml. Why the change? I changed my hosting plan to a higher one, which meant another move to another server. Why Brinkster can’t streamline this, I don’t know. But I’m happier nonetheless. And my site is sexier with a new facelift, methinks.