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    Holy shiznit.

    My DISCO II professor just got changed. I suspect I am unbelievably fucked. Big V’s advice was to drop the course and take something else (Diff Eq. II?), but I also very much want to get this sequence over with so that I never have to count again. If I’m spending four to six hours a night on homework from someone who is supposedly the best prof at Rose on the subject, what in tarnation am I going to do with this prof, who Dr. 7 (in particular) has gone out of his way to avoid having?

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    Javid on Veteran’s Day

    Javid tells it like it is, in my opinion. Popular culture forgets that they [members of the military] are people doing a job. It doesn’t matter who is president, they should be appreciated more and they should be rewarded. Putting a support our troops sticker on your car means nothing if you don’t look at the whole situation and reflect on how they are being treated by not only popular culture, but by politicians as well. Take a minute out of your day to reflect on that. Indeed.

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    Pausing on the homework.

    Holy hell if I’m not the second search result on Google for “weird nerd screaming at computer because he’s crap at counter-strike” (minus the quotes when searching). Odd, just odd. And who the hell would search for that anyway?! (There are a hell of a lot of Rose people lurking around here, by the way, some of whom I don’t even know. Interesting, given there are now mug shots by which to identify me…)

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    *cough*photo galleries*cough*. Commenting isn’t enabled yet, since my host hasn’t allowed write-permissions to the relevant directory yet. Give it a couple of hours. This is all prompted by the number of photos taken recently, including a nice one of a certain lying bastard in a suit, who recently blamed me for a prank I didn’t even do… Blackmail material, biatch. I’ve also got up the bulk of the answers to that ancient “three questions” meme I fell through on over a month ago. *blush* I’m such a bad person. But, among other gems, there’s a picture of me and Mae, and one of Sexy Short Stuff (although I have one…