• On Life and Love

    Mo’ money, mo’ problems: a retirement app idea

    I mentioned this obliquely a couple of weeks ago, but I’m wigging out a bit about retirement. In 39 years I will be 65, and I don’t have solid plans with numbers behind them. Socking away $5k a year into an IRA just isn’t enough. Back in the day, I loved, loved, loved Microsoft Money’s Lifetime Planner. It asked you all sorts of questions about when you were going to have a kid and how much you were saving in various accounts, their expected returns, how much you thought you needed to live on in retirement, etc. Then it crunched the numbers and gave you a big graph showing your…

  • Uncategorized

    When ignorance is allowed to win

    Or: When to Say No and Bow Out Ungracefully A couple of months ago, I stumbled across a local woman who was trying to get her non-profit of 3 years off the ground. She was looking for grant writers, web-ish folks, etc., and her cause was awesome. I was like, “Sweet! I’ll do a website, help with program organization, and either move on or keep helping if there’s room.”

  • Uncategorized

    Titles on links: straightening up

    A combination of my recent job interview and reading Coding Horror reminded me that I’ve been slack on putting title attributes on my links here on the blagonet. The interview because it touched on accessibility, and Coding Horror because Atwood crosslinks a lot of his posts, but doesn’t give the name of the post in the title tag, which means I end up with 30 open tabs to blog entries that I couldn’t cherry-pick thanks to non-semantic URIs and no titles. I also don’t know which of Atwood’s links are internal or external without checking the URIs. Kinda frustrating. So I reactivated my External Links plugin (which puts that nice…

  • On Life and Love

    Quasi-daily linkage

    10 Weird Miniature Versions of Normal Animals – Weird Worm – These are quite adorable. Puppy! – Joel on Software – "Although I appreciate that many people find Twitter to be valuable, I find it a truly awful way to exchange thoughts and ideas. It creates a mentally stunted world in which the most complicated thought you can think is one sentence long." Don't know if I'd be as grumpy about it, but Twitter strikes me as yet another source of digital noise in an already noisy world. I may be done with it soon. "5 Browsers and the Modes of Transportation They Resemble" by Caldwell Tanner on CollegeHumor –…

  • On Life and Love

    Quasi-daily linkage

    10 Usability Crimes You Really Shouldn’t Commit – Nice and easy list to follow. I fixed a silly problem on my site this morning courtesy of the reminder. Clients From Hell : The client calls around 9 PM on a Saturday… – “[very angry] I am reading your email in disbelief. You are the webmaster – how can there be an aspect of our website that you have no control over?” Why You Can’t Work at Work | Jason Fried | Big Think – This is a great video on office workspaces. As an aside, Jason Fried's voice and style of talking remind me a whole lot of Dane Cook.…