• On Life and Love

    Quasi-daily linkage

    Broadsheet – Salon.com – Very well-written article on overweight folks having to buy two seats on planes. "See, those of us who are and/or love people to whom airlines' "person of size policies" apply don't automatically envision the discomfort of getting stuck next to a fatty; we envision the physical and emotional pain of being the fatty crammed between two potentially hostile strangers, at the mercy of flight attendants who might decide we're fine on one flight and a "safety risk" on the next." Four Fabulous Video Band-Aids YOU need NOW! | Bitch Magazine – "My secret ritual is to curl up in my favorite chair (preferably with a hot…

  • On Life and Love

    Quasi-daily linkage

    My God—it’s full of unicorns! – Meta Stack Overflow – This is hilarious. I'm going to have to play around with this in WP. Dynamic Dummy Image Generator – DummyImage.com – C/o my darling, this is a pretty cool way to generate placeholder images. Alex Payne — On the iPad – This is the best damn commentary on the iPad that I've seen yet. A Toronto Data Guy, I want privacy because I break the law – This is a good essay on privacy and how that related to purposefully and accidentally breaking the law. I like that he doesn't once go into copyright violation (which isn't law breaking, although…

  • On Life and Love

    Quasi-daily linkage

    A new “onload” scheme – Easy! Reader – This is a really clever way to avoid having page-specific JavaScript files (which I've done on larger projects). Tomorrow’s Women, Tomorrow’s World – A more British look at the decline of women in the IT industry. Clients From Hell : Of course I want it today! If I want it tomorrow,… – Um, yes. I love "Clients From Hell." YouTube – Let's Play Wizardry 8 – Honestly. Someone recorded playing Wizardry 8. It's in 64 parts. feveredwritings: The Complications of Discussing Prejudice – Greg tackles a racism discussion and gets popped in the mouth unfairly. Interesting discussion ensues. Oleg Sych – »…