Weekly linkage
This week’s internet cruising, in which I was evidently trying to make up for lost time. A Vegan No More | Voracious – This woman went through a struggle to find her health as a vegan… and found that she needed to go back to eating meat. Her journey is well-documented and heart-breaking, although I found her dogmatism rather creepy. She believed very strongly in veganism, and now believes very strongly in omnivorism. Vegan Defector Talks Back | Voracious – Part 2 of the no-longer vegan story. To Teach Your Kids Money Management, Start Your Own Bank – A cute take on teaching kids how to save. I'm still divided…
Weekly linkage
This week’s internet cruising: Lymejello – Wow. Speaking of telling difficult stories. Lyme disease is apparently no joke. I remember seeing the photos in middle school health class–a ringed rash, warnings that it could kill untreated, but not that it was so damned debilitating. My Hopebuilders 5k page – Yeah, I'm a punk. Go donate and push me to run. If I meet my fund-raising goal, I'll run it hard. Tim Gunn Is A National Treasure – "[W]hen I visit department stores and I go to the shop that’s called “woman,” I am horrified! Horrified by the awful, degrading, disrespectful choices that women have." 10 Usability Tips Based on Research…
Quasi-daily linkage
Another vote for "Fragmented" – An awesome article quotation from Elf. I agree with this, and struggle with finding a healthy balance for myself. I enjoy having a smartphone, but still consider it a luxury item (i.e., not necessary to my existence or even my happiness). I even debate getting rid of it and going back to a plain ol' phone (shh! don't tell Greg). I feel like a netbook and a normal cell phone would be enough connectivity for me. If I'm going to break contract on my AT&T/iPhone agreement over Apple's stupidity, maybe I should be looking at doing just that — get a nice, small (!!) cheap…
Quasi-daily linkage
Alas, a blog » Blog Archive » Fragments of Evolving Manhood: Do You Like Your Body 3 (Preliminary Notes On the Expendability of the Foreskin) – In summary: I'm not a huge fan of circumcision. (Very long article.) MetaFilter Saved My Pals From Sex Traffickers—Exclusive Interview | Mother Jones – This is incredibly cool, although the article is a bit confusedly written. Blog U.: Book Publishers’ Regrets in 2025 – Technology and Learning – Inside Higher Ed – "Sell the Book, Not the Format: Whenever we buy a book we should automatically have the option of receiving the book in all formats." Big Fat Deal » The Rhetoric Of The…
Quasi-daily linkage
The Tiny Life , Archive » Julie’s Cozy House – This little house — although not terribly little at 410 sq ft, I think — is so pretty. Purple! UX Myths – Great list of user experience myths, with evidence and references. Buttersafe – Family Road Trip – Incredibly cute. Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names: MicroISV on a Shoestring – Too many of the comments are grumpy and the post doesn't offer any practical solutions, but it's a thought-provoking post anyway. Nonprofit Gym Helps Low-Income Community Get Fit : NPR – I love this. Too bad it's not here in Charlotte; I'd love to help out a group doing this.