On Life and Love

Shameless linkage. And a little copy-catting.

I’m very late on linking to this, but thebrotherlove recently posted a tribute to Drum ‘n’ Bass (DnB) that is absolutely awesome. At the bottom of the post is a radio.blog. Click it and listen.

Of course, my interest was immediately piqued when I saw the references to Everything But the Girl and Zap Mama, but that’s just me.

Despite my education this summer on electronica, I’m still not quite “up” on all the sub-varieties of the genre. I can recognize Jungle and Dub because of the types I listen to, those tend to be the most recognizable. Distinguishing between DnB and the other * ‘n’ Bass varieties isn’t something I’ve had a lot of practice with. I wouldn’t have thought to put Everything But the Girl’s “Walking Wounded” or “Good Cop Bad Cop” into the DnB category, for instance, although it fits now I’ve listened to it in the context of thebrotherlove’s radio.blog.

Speaking of radio.blogs, I’ve created one. On the right is a link to open a popup of the music player. Currently loaded is some Jurassic 5 and several Natalie Imbruglia songs.

I figure since I’m sitting on 30 GB of bandwidth a month, I’d better use it for something, right? Eat it up. I’m going Christmas shopping.

One Comment

  • Mathias Bynens

    30 GB a month is a whole lotta traffic! I’ve only got 10.

    Anyway, I got to this post because I’m listening to your radioblog as I write this (currently: “Every Little Thing She Does is Magic”). Fun!