• On Life and Love

    First ever frat party… eh.

    WO and I decided to go to Theta Xi’s Winefest this weekend. Winefest is a bring-your-own sort of celebration, well-timed for the end of the quarter. The Theta Xis… Well, they’re a special fraternity. They’re probably one of the most diverse/oddball frats on campus, and they’re small in numbers, largely due to an… incident back in the 1970s that took them from hero to zero at Rose-Hulman. WO hangs around a decent number of the guys (as do I now), so it seemed like a not-so-bad idea to check out their famed Winefest shindig. After all, if it wasn’t to our liking, we’d just leave. We certainly weren’t going to…

  • On Life and Love

    New! Improved!

    As I mentioned on my much-unused LiveJournal page, I’m going to start crossposting. There are a good number of people that I’m acquainted with that use “LJ Friends” to view blogs; these folks don’t use RSS (aside from what I can guess is on the backend of LJ Friends) and have to visit my site manually to see my content. Thanks to LiveJournal Crossposter, a plugin for WordPress, I should be able to post on both places simultaneously with little additional work for me. Vive le LJ!

  • On Life and Love

    Two other embarrassments

    So last weekend, I mentioned that I’d embarrassed WO two times at his birthday celebration. Each of these are worth a little explanation, particularly now that he’s stopped blushing. The first was minor. I just wrapped all his gifts in Disney Princesses wrapping paper. Very pink, very girly. But WO likes girls, and what’s better than a book wrapped in a grinning Jasmine from Aladdin? The second… ah, the second was the kicker. One of his birthday gifts was Neil Gaiman’s Sandman: The Kindly Ones, the ninth in a series of graphic novels involving Dream/the Sandman. (Fun series of books; I’d recommend them, despite the cost.) The second portion of…

  • Uncategorized

    On the flipside: Nohari

    My Nohari window–as opposed to the Johari window I posted about yesterday, these are my faults as you see them. Good fun for everyone. (Thanks to Imani for inadvertently helping me find the flipside.)