Quasi-daily linkage
- Welcome! – Okay, nevermind on the link below. This intro provides some good insight into the Tiny Living thing, which is more than just 60 sq. ft houses. Not sure that I want to downsize my house in particular, but it's an interesting movement.
- Tiny House In Asheville – I'm increasingly fascinated by this Tiny House movement (and need to do more research on it), although it initially strikes me as a fairly artificial constraint on living.
- a series of rants – Auntie Pixelante gives good rants. On a non-game-related note (but relevant), I really should stop saying "fail". If I talk to you in person, help me stop saying that.
- Google Goes Hard at Microsoft with Exchange Migration Tool – I wish I'd had this when I'd left Rose-Hulman. I still find myself wanting to hunt down select emails and contacts from Rose.
- 20 High Quality Photoshop Web Design Tutorials | Tutorials – This will be helpful as I continue to revise my layout and style on the blago-story-net.
- xkcd: Single Ladies – It was particularly cute today.
- I HOPE TO GOD THEIR MECHANICS ARE BETTER THAN THEIR DESIGN FIRM. | Brain – I had to link to this, especially in light of my recent travel annoyances and Greg's travel horror story.
- Scott Hanselman’s Computer Zen – The Weekly Source Code 51 – Asynchronous Database Access and LINQ to SQL Fun – I don't know that I'll work on any projects calling for this level of coolness soon, but this is a slick trick to bump your DB calls off the main threads of execution.