I was very late picking up the camera and had a hell of a time getting the 55-200mm lens to focus, but here are some shots:
Late-game, but most of the setup. The tall narrow glass is the rubbing alcohol, the wine glass was warm water, the plastic cup was soda, the champagne bottle is the holder for the taper that we blew out repeatedly, the pitcher held warm water and dishwashing liquid, and the little container front-and-center is laundry detergent, alcohol, and warm water.
A piece of lettuce that was soaked in rubbing alcohol with dry ice. Even before it became embedded in the water I added (in this shot), it was frozen crisp.It took some warm water added to get anything useful from the laundry detergent, but when we did, it was awesome to see the CO2-filled bubbles and burst them.
Another shot of the laundry detergent, with multiple bubbles.