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    Java? Anyone ’round here do Java?

    And because WO had me rolling twice today, you get twice the number of posts relating conversations between me and him than you’d ordinarily have. Wait. Zero times two is… Oh, snap. Teaching math is going to be hard. Anyway, this is some foul-mouthed stuff, folks. Send the kids to bed. Hopefully listboxes are kinder in the newer versions of Java…

  • Uncategorized

    For the gamers in the crowd

    *looks around* …Of which there may be very few… Others may still enjoy a funny story without detailed knowledge of the system. Since being in Charlotte, I’ve been experimenting with a few different D & D campaigns, all of which are GM’ed by people older than 34 years old. I now suspect this is a bad idea for someone who actually likes D & D 3.5 and wants to play in a real 3.5 campaign, rather than a 3.0 campaign with the inclusion of monks. …With a communicative and helpful GM. Anyway, here’s a conversation between me and WO that had me rolling. It’s a bit edited to remove some…

  • Uncategorized

    Ain’t that some mess?

    How about it only pours down rain for the 20 minutes of my run — right between the warmup and cooldown. That’s crap. Not that I don’t like rain. I love it. But since I wear glasses, I don’t love running in it, because then I can’t see. At all. Still managed to be a great run, although I did make the mistake of wearing a white shirt. Mmm, time for yoga. More on running soon; I read a great article in Runner’s World today by Kristin Armstrong.

  • On Life and Love

    Not an overnight celebrity

    Another podcast for folks. Topics: Getting Things Done Loss of Palm data New employee orientation! Who’s my life insurance beneficiary? Eek. Bisexuality: why do people think this equates to unfaithfulness? Financial software? Help me! Does lightening strike twice? I need sleep. Night!

  • On Life and Love

    This Week’s Del.icio.us bookmarks

    Shared bookmarks for del.icio.us user Irrsinn The Finance Journey ยป 25 Ways I Save Money — Tagged as: [money living] A Path to Simplicity: 25 different ways to save money — Here are a few good tips for living frugally, including buying bulk yeast and shopping at thrift stores. Mmm, yeast. Tagged as: [money living] 10 Habits to Develop for Financial Stability and Success | zen habits — Tagged as: [money living] How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck | zen habits — The title says it all. Well-written and useful. Tagged as: [money]