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    It’s Facial Fasciculation Week!

    Retroactive to last Wednesday, it’s Facial Fasciculation Week! (I hope you’ve been getting your fasciculation on.) Any kind of facial fasciculation is welcome, but it must be due to relatively acute stress and/or fatigue rather than a chronic disorder or long-term use of drugs. My personal facial fasciculation, which has been my loving friend in times of need since high school, is usually limited to my left eye and is a flutter in the muscles above and below that eye. Oh, my, is that embarrassing! Luckily, few people notice it unless I rub at it obsessively. Which I do, because it feels weird. Sometimes it happens in both eyes, and…

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    Tech phobia?

    So I have this thing. I keep social bookmarks on del.icio.us. I use Google Reader for RSS feeds. I’ve started using LibraryThing for my books. But I’m finding myself feeling possessive of my books. I want a [free, of course] local solution that I can greedily keep at hand, that isn’t dependent on some random service being available. Hell, I’d even take a PHP solution here on irrsinn dot net. Strangely, I want a solution that’s more dependent on my availability than some other entities’. I suspect this reflects on my perfectionist, over-achieving, over-controlling personality. That said, the feature set I want is most cheaply and easily (and nicely) available…

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    Thorn makes me say “oi”.

    The Thorn (newspaper) server hard drive crashed beautifully on Friday morning, just post-production. The damned thing sounded like a metronome. It was ugly. So I’ve spent part of my afternoon and evening trying to get the damn thing running again with the new hard drive I unhappily purchased today. Oh, and the new DVD-R/RW drive, since the last one put gummy shit all over every disc I put in there and stopped ejecting. Yeah, DVD drives that don’t let me put in, take out, or read discs aren’t very useful. Neither are hard drives that don’t read. Thank god drives are cheaper now, all around. I anticipate a rough week…

  • On Life and Love

    Last Straw

    The last straw occurred when untested, uncommitted code was taken from my machine, made to work, and put into production with an email detailing the things I’d done wrong. …In code I’d said wasn’t ready or tested… Don’t get me wrong: there were plenty of other straws over the last few months. I wanted to be free at the end of last quarter (Thanksgiving), but felt it would economically unwise for me to do so. I’m feeling stronger now, and so I’ll be free at the end of 2006, barring any contractual problems. Down to two jobs, very soon now, which is fine by me. Except… what am I going…

  • On Life and Love

    Lastest obsession

    Ze Frank and his show “the show“. This man is too funny. I’ve started watching “the show” from the beginning. Did I mention the man is hot? It’s probably mostly the humor, but his facial expressions are charmingly cute. As is his dancing. Although he reminds me creepily of a mix between Dr. FooFoo McKnuckleberry and one of my former news editors. Allow me to also point you to his talk at TED. No, not like the much-hated TED of United Airlines. Some other TED. Maybe associated with Beemers. (Edited to add additional detail.)