• On Life and Love

    Trekkies, unite!

    There’s a Star Trek fan convention in Indy during Thanksgiving weekend. I’m torn. Do I visit WO’s family, visit my family (or some branch of it), or go to the Trek/sci-fi convention and rest at home for the week (or go hiking nearby)? I really am torn. Christopher Judge will be there!

  • On Life and Love

    “Blood” ain’t what makes me dance

    Summer‘s “Of one blood or, the hidden self” grabbed and held my attention since I saw it yesterday. Using [tag]Schwarzenegger[/tag]’s recent fiasco with a released tape of his racial comments regarding California state Assemblywoman [tag]Bonnie Garcia[/tag], Summer hits on some crucial points regarding the use of one’s “blood” as an explanation and reason for behavior associated with a particular race. For instance, Schwarzeneggar said during this recorded meeting: “I mean Cuban, Puerto-Rican, they are all very hot,” the governor says on the recording. “They have the, you know, part of the black blood in them and part of the Latino blood in them that together makes it.” (BlackNews.com, “Schwarzenegger Apologizes…

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    Bike seat adjustment: small change, huge difference

    Tilting my bike seat down fixed about a hundred of my biking problems and discomforts. The first was the razor blades in crotch problem I mentioned Wednesday. That’s solved rather nicely. The second was a problem where I’d sort of had to hop onto the seat when I got on. Well, obviously, that’s fixed, too. Lastly, the seat now feels… well, like a seat. It’s like I’m just bracing my bottom against it rather than having to sit back (full weight) on it, like a cruiser seat. It gives me more power in the legs and I don’t have a problem figuring out where to balance my weight between my…

  • Uncategorized

    Role-playing geekiness!

    So I’m playing in a [tag]Palladium[/tag] with Jed, Guy, and several others, run by Tookie. In fact, there are eight players. We started earlier in the term, but had to restart when Jed turned into a psycho pyro. 🙂 There was a fight. Everyone lost (in one way or another) and Tookie was sad. I’d been hankering to play in a campaign all summer, and I finally got my wish. Having eight players is rather intimidating–I’m curious to see how things work out in the long term with the jangle of overlapping voices and actions. Combat’s really easy, but normal things–shopping in towns, etc., can get confusing. The Palladium system…

  • On Life and Love

    Professorial sadness

    I went to visit a very, very well-respected professor today to give a few ideas that I thought could improve a course I’m in. I thought I was respectful and mindful of my status as a student (i.e. not [yet] a professor and not very well educated on pedagogy). I was met with the honestly outraged, “Are you trying to tell me how to run my course?” The feeling I got was, “Who the hell do you think you are?” The prof brought up my wish to be a professor, and told me pretty firmly that I’d find things different when I was on the other side of the podium.…