• Uncategorized

    Gurgle, gurgle

    I bought a swimsuit today! I hope to relearn how to swim and to begin doing so regularly. It’d be nice to have an activity that doesn’t beat up my body quite so much. You know, I could never open my eyes under water without goggles on. It just burned too much. And I don’t like having stuff in my eye, even if it’s water.

  • On Life and Love

    Just one of them days

    I got a physical today, and got some surprising (but not more than vaguely scary or bad) news. My car’s “Check Engine” light turned on… and is staying on. Car problems are sadly expensive, and this one (whatever it is) will also require me to be at the shop at 08:00, and possibly to miss class and more work. I got weighed today. Frown. WO and I are both short on sleep, so we’re tired, emotional, and grumpy. Did I mention that car problems are expensive? I didn’t meditate today. I didn’t eat well today. I didn’t get any exercise today. I’m sore as hell from yesterday’s weight-lifting–my first since…

  • On Life and Love

    Midnight linkage

    To Grow Roots, or Not Grow Roots: That Is the Question | BlogHer » I tend to feel the same jealousy this woman does when my friends can point out their elementary and middle schools and were in the same school district for longer than two years. Mobility has its advantages, but having a home may have more.