• On Life and Love

    Self-identity and identity blogging

    In the past couple of days, I’ve been asked what the deal is with all the porn/sex-related links here on this site. I find this a little silly, since the proportion isn’t much different than for technology, race, and news/political links I post, but I suppose sex is always an eye-grabber. But this brings up the general (and recently renewed) foci of this site. Along with the recent color and style change, there’s been a small change that may have been unnoticed by casual visitors and Bloglines users. This, formerly my little “about” blurb on the right: Lissa: Runner. Rose-Hulman junior. Weight-lifter. Music-lover. Computer scientist. Minor chemist. Avid reader. has…

  • On Life and Love

    Midnight linkage

    Apple: Windows on a Mac is here | CNET News.com » Oh, dear. This could be fun. BlackGayBlogger.com » But I’m Project Manager! » "It’s at this point, when he starts crying. Yes?crying. Now y’all know tears don’t do shit for me in the workplace. […]" E-books, has your time come? | CNET News.com » "’Books aren’t just words on a page. They are things you can trade, share and store for later.’" Usability in One Easy Step (First Draft) – Joel on Software » "Clunky? What?s he talking about? Everybody knows that the Macintosh has an elegant user interface, right? The very paradigm of ease-of-use?"

  • On Life and Love

    Spring break!

    Next week is [tag]Spring Break[/tag], and barring a major incident of some sort, I’ve got plans! Monday, WO and I will head up to [tag]The Art Institute of Chicago[/tag] for the day. That night, we’ll head over to Chesterton, IN for Tuesday’s day at [tag]Indiana Dunes State Park[/tag], where we’ll hike a bit and see the sights. Wednesday is the last day of the short trip out, but we’ll head to [tag]Potato Creek State Park[/tag] in North Liberty, IN, for more hiking, maybe some canoeing or paddleboating. Then we’ll head home and do homework. I’m excited, and as long as I keep my favorite vampire lathered in sun screen/block, I…

  • On Life and Love

    Midnight linkage

    [tag]dooce[/tag]: Healthy sleep habits, grumpy baby » Let your child cry/scream. That has always been my parents’ tactic to attempt to avoid creating a child incapable of realizing that the world will not always bend to her will. That said, I had no idea of the trauma this would cause in the mother. SugarBank: Thinking Porn » 10 Lies [tag]Pornographer[/tag]s Tell » *laugh* Just… *laugh* Lani Guinier on [tag]Meritocracy[/tag] | Dollars & Sense » From blackfeminism.org: this is a *very* interesting article on what "merit" in America really is–i.e. (in the eyes of the writer) [tag]aristocracy[/tag]. Rashid Muhammad: Merit in America » An analysis of the above meritocracy article. [tag]Atheists[/tag]…

  • On Life and Love

    Conscious decisions

    It came to my attention this weekend in a discussion with WO that our culture has an unsurprising tendency to call women “girls”, especially in my age group. “Guys” is considered equivalent to “girls”. Not a big deal, not really a belittling of women worth noting. Or is it? While it may not be as prominent an issue as using “cunt” or “gay” to be pejorative, I think it does shape our view of gender. In following a thread of links about [tag]pornographer[/tag]s calling their actresses “sluts” and “whores” today, I ran across a well-written piece by a porn photographer denouncing such practices. He went on to say that those…