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    Thorn avec le RSS

    The Rose Thorn website now has an RSS feed! This makes me happy. Wait–is “RSS” a feminine or masculine noun? I got more Google hits for masculine, but I’m not sure that means much.

  • Uncategorized

    Oh, wow.

    I did Pilates for the first time last night. Oh, baby. More of that, please. Mother-dear got me an introductory DVD of Pilates that I cracked open last night. Better than Callenetics–I got a full workout in twenty minutes, whereas the amount of time in Callenetics for an equivalent workout would have been about 30 or 40 minutes, I think. Plus, I like the fact that it’s controlled movement; it’s very flowing. Callenetics is more static, although there are, of course, the little movements of the reps. Callenetics makes me feel the need to tense to hold the poses; Pilates is easier (at this level), which will give me a…

  • On Life and Love

    Graduate school searching

    Graduate school searching is scary. In part because I don’t have a very narrow focus for my interest yet. Something in such-and-such an area. That makes it a little more difficult to email professors with related interests, but since the more important part at this stage is forming a rapport (in my opinion), it’s not a major hindrance. The other complication, of course, is my relationship with WO. He’s looking for graduate schools, too. We’ve decided to perform our searches largely independently, so as not to unduly bias the other. We’ll compare notes later and hope we can settle on either the same school or different schools in the same…