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    This mess is for the birds.

    Birds who like to eat bugs, preferably. I just got back from another ride on campus and on the bike path–I don’t think I’ve eaten as many bugs as I did tonight during my last 1.5 years of running on that trail. Combined. I still like riding, even if I suck at it and sweat a lot and get tired easily. It should be just like running, though: keep working at it and I’ll get better. Now I just need to work on my ability to navigate and take corners and not fall off the damn bike when my stop. My poor, abused crotch…

  • On Life and Love

    Skills I didn’t realize I didn’t have.

    So I have this bike. See the pretty bike. You know how people say that riding a bike is a skill you never lose? I wonder if those people ever went seven or eight years without riding a bike, then tried to hop on one. Yeah, that was a little scary, particularly on skinny little road bike tires. The bike’s a little big for me; benefits of being short and stubby, I suppose. I also don’t have a name for it. “Sexy Bike (TM)” is already taken by Mae’s… well, sexy bike. I took it on campus early this morning (before anyone would be awake on a Saturday to see…

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    Easy, easy

    Yesterday’s weight-lifting session went well. I found out that one of the power cages is wide enough for me to do wide-stance squatting. I need to work on moving slower through the squats, but I did two sets with just the bar (10 and 6 reps, I think; I don’t have my papers with me). I’m inching up strength-wise in each exercise, and I’m particularly in love with the sets of dips and pullups. I got up at 05:00 this morning to do my Friday run. I haven’t had a run that easy in a long time. I probably could have done all three miles without stopping, but I went…

  • On Life and Love

    Pigs, dogs, squirrels…

    So I’m working back in the hardware shop now, breaking fixing the internals of laptops and doing reloads. I was replacing the hard drive in a friend’s laptop, and as I was checking on the status of the file backup from the old drive, I noticed she had some rather funny data. Nothing scary, just something that made me laugh. Travis and I ended up having the following exchange in the shop: Me: I want to pick on her about it, but that’d be unethical. You can’t pick on people about what you happen to see on their hard drive when backing up their files. Travis: You can if you…

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    Funny “ha ha”?

    the Idiot Savant (47% dark, 53% spontaneous, 52% vulgar) your humor style:VULGAR | SPONTANEOUS | LIGHT You like things silly, immediate, and, above all, outrageous. Ixne on the subtle word play, more testicles on fire, please. People like you are the most likely to RECEIVE internet forwards–and also the most likely to save them in a special folder entitled ‘HOLY SHIT’. Because it’s so easily appreciated, and often wacky and physical, your sense of humor never ceases to amuse your friends. Most realize that there’s a sly intelligence and a knowing wink to your tastes. Your sense of humor could be called ‘anti-pretentious’–but paradoxically enough, that indicates you’re smarter than…