• Uncategorized

    Stepping into the cage.

    It’s been a minute since I posted about my workouts, so I’ll just summarize by saying that things on going fairly well on the weightlifting front, and less than stellar in the running. I switched from doing a close-grip lat pulldown to doing close-grip assisted chin-ups. I love it. It works my stomach, too, which is nice. I also switched to a decline bench press, and boy did I feel that one. Also fun. Last Thursday, I tried to do squats, but couldn’t figure out how to unrack the weights already on the bar (which was lying on the safety rails near the floor) without the bar tilting and hitting…

  • On Life and Love


    No, shoes. Completely by accident, I ran into WO and his family at the mall while shopping today. (Yes, I do shop, and that’s beside the point, damnit.) Anyway, they were attempting to buy WO shoes, which is made difficult by the fact that poor guy has huge feet. Or, well, I thought that was the difficult part. Turns out WO may very well be the most finicky shopper I’ve ever met. We went through the (admittedly slim) pickings at the local mall until WO’s father pulled us back into the first store we’d gone into that had the widest selection of men’s casual dress shoes. Wait–“casual dress shoes”… It…

  • On Life and Love

    The bad with the good.

    So WO is back in town, and I went out for Thai food with his family. Post-dinner, WO, his 16-ish year-old sister P., and I went out for milkshakes and embarrassing jokes. On our way back, in the pouring rain, a car was stopped ahead of me with lights flashing. As I eased around, we saw that it looked like someone had been hit by a car. She wasn’t moving or responding to the calls of the person leaning over her, and ambulances hadn’t arrived yet. We pulled off and used P’s cell phone to call an ambulance (which someone or several someones had already done), but the damage was…

  • On Life and Love

    Howzat work?

    Lissa: Dr. 7 came in to congratulate me–a bug in my profile in KoL that he reported caused a system wide bug fix, and my fucking zip file is extracting. WO: It is?! WO: How? Lissa: PkZip is smart enough to just fucking extract the files one by one without trying to play mommy and tell me what’s wrong with file #27462272 when I care about file #1. WO: Yay! WO: Wait. WO: P… K…? WO: Are you seriously using pkZip? WO: I mean, like, Grampa PK? Lissa: The old PkZip program? Yeah. Version 8.0 for Windows […]. Courtesy of Dr. 7. WO: Awesome. Yes, Grampa PKZip saved my bacon:…

  • On Life and Love

    *sputter sputter*

    I have a 6 GB zip file containing my last two years of data. My laptop is clean and reloaded and fairly lacking in personality. The file is FUCKING corrupt. “Unexpected end of archive.” A hex editor revealed that the zip has a valid header and listing of files. Hell, I can browse the goddamn archive in WinRAR. But I can’t extract anything. The barf is in some file near the end of the file (I know my music files were the last things to be compressed). But I am not fucking permitted to extract any fucking thing. *deep breath* No tool used yet has been able to successfully repair…