• Uncategorized

    Memage as distraction.

    Stolen from EJ on account of my present desire to distract myself. Three names you go by: Lissa Melissa Liss/Mel (clumped because of the degree of familiarity usually associated with them.) Three screennames you have: irrsinn99 20375438 (ICQ) irrsinn_@hotmail.com Three things you like about yourself: My obsessiveness/tenacity. My ability to fairly rapid heal from the sharpest parts of a hard blow. I “scab” well, I guess. My masochism (ties in nicely with #1). Three things you hate/dislike about yourself: My tenacity. Sometimes, I just need to stop fighting and cry “uncle” before I get hurt. My tendency (need? desire?) to unload my problems on others. My mathematical limitations that I…

  • On Life and Love

    Shameless linkage. And a little copy-catting.

    I’m very late on linking to this, but thebrotherlove recently posted a tribute to Drum ‘n’ Bass (DnB) that is absolutely awesome. At the bottom of the post is a radio.blog. Click it and listen. Of course, my interest was immediately piqued when I saw the references to Everything But the Girl and Zap Mama, but that’s just me. Despite my education this summer on electronica, I’m still not quite “up” on all the sub-varieties of the genre. I can recognize Jungle and Dub because of the types I listen to, those tend to be the most recognizable. Distinguishing between DnB and the other * ‘n’ Bass varieties isn’t something…