On Life and Love

Whatever is making or breaking my day.

  • On Life and Love

    Note to self.

    Don’t check the project and class grade (now even lower) in your “favorite” class right before going to the presentation of your group project… Silly Lissa. It’s all on the final at this point. I pass or I fail. Edit: Presentation done. I think I need to see how much shifting is going to be necessary to get this course into my schedule next term…

  • On Life and Love

    Dilemma du jour

    Do I spend cash to buy books cheaper online and hurt my immediate car-buying chances (since I’ll have to wait until a couple of weeks into the term to receive my refund check), or do I use the refund check in advance (a nice, nice thing they let us do) in order to get the books (at full-cost) in the bookstore here, but keep a higher likelihood of getting a car over break or shortly thereafter? Grr.

  • On Life and Love

    This one takes them all.

    I am hereby not allowed to sleep on Thursday nights during weeks 3 thru 10 of a term, unless I can get more than 4 hours of sleep that night. This is second goddamn time I’m either slept through my alarm or that my alarm has been set improperly or that my alarm has snafu’d. On a Friday morning. With important shit due within a few hours of the alarm going off. Like my Fundamentals take-home test, which I ran down to the prof at 12:00 (it was supposed to be due at 08:00 if you missed class), unshowered, uncombed, un-anything other than panicked. The test still had 45 points…