First ever frat party… eh.
WO and I decided to go to Theta Xi’s Winefest this weekend. Winefest is a bring-your-own sort of celebration, well-timed for the end of the quarter. The Theta Xis… Well, they’re a special fraternity. They’re probably one of the most diverse/oddball frats on campus, and they’re small in numbers, largely due to an… incident back in the 1970s that took them from hero to zero at Rose-Hulman. WO hangs around a decent number of the guys (as do I now), so it seemed like a not-so-bad idea to check out their famed Winefest shindig. After all, if it wasn’t to our liking, we’d just leave. We certainly weren’t going to…
New! Improved!
As I mentioned on my much-unused LiveJournal page, I’m going to start crossposting. There are a good number of people that I’m acquainted with that use “LJ Friends” to view blogs; these folks don’t use RSS (aside from what I can guess is on the backend of LJ Friends) and have to visit my site manually to see my content. Thanks to LiveJournal Crossposter, a plugin for WordPress, I should be able to post on both places simultaneously with little additional work for me. Vive le LJ!
Two other embarrassments
So last weekend, I mentioned that I’d embarrassed WO two times at his birthday celebration. Each of these are worth a little explanation, particularly now that he’s stopped blushing. The first was minor. I just wrapped all his gifts in Disney Princesses wrapping paper. Very pink, very girly. But WO likes girls, and what’s better than a book wrapped in a grinning Jasmine from Aladdin? The second… ah, the second was the kicker. One of his birthday gifts was Neil Gaiman’s Sandman: The Kindly Ones, the ninth in a series of graphic novels involving Dream/the Sandman. (Fun series of books; I’d recommend them, despite the cost.) The second portion of…
On the flipside: Nohari
My Nohari window–as opposed to the Johari window I posted about yesterday, these are my faults as you see them. Good fun for everyone. (Thanks to Imani for inadvertently helping me find the flipside.)
Jumping on the Johari bandwagon
My Johari window. The idea is that you go and pick several terms that you think describe me, and we see how they match up with what I think is my facade.