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    Even the cold was endurable

    I had an amazingly nice run yesterday. I didn’t go in the morning—I’m just a lazy bum—but I went in the afternoon. It was in the thirties temperature-wise, and I learned just how ignorant I am of cold-weather running. I forgot my headband (for my ears) and gloves (although my jacket was baggy enough that I could pull my hands into the sleeves a little to let them get warm). The run was slow, but it was steady and it was long enough to be a pretty good workout. My legs didn’t complain (although I’m sore today) and my lungs primarily hated only the cold. I think I very much…

  • On Life and Love

    It is Monday and I am tired.

    I will write about fun things soon (like Dulin’s visit and my room and hanging out with folks this weekend), but now I want to grump. Eight hours of lab, work, and class today. No lunch break, no breathing room. Eight more tomorrow. Same thing on Friday. I have a reprieve on Wednesday and Thursday (purposefully scheduled on my part), but I still don’t get lunch on any day other than Wednesday, although I think T-dawg is going to give up his lunch to get me a sack lunch so I can munch through one of my afternoon classes before my four hours of lab. (When I’d finalized my schedule…

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    So I actually went out and drove around town today (yay!) and only had a couple of close calls. There was mad restarting in the drive-through of Burger King, and there was a pretty scary left turn at a busy intersection on the way home. But everything else went smoothly. *cheesy grin* Bad news is, though, that all the clutch use pulled on all the [formerly?] messed up muscles along the top of my left foot. So I definitely get to limit driving time until I strengthen those back up, because just shy of two hours of city driving was enough to give me a slight limp. Ugh. At least…

  • On Life and Love

    Tee hee hee.

    So I practiced driving Danni more after we picked the Rat up from school—and proceeded to scare her shitless. She was convinced that the engine noises (the revving, which sounds all growly for a little four-cylinder) and the jerkiness was due to a serious lack of gas, and pretty much had a panic attack in the back seat, wailing about she wanted to go home, and we needed to go to a gas station, etc., etc. I almost, almost felt sorry for her. But for rizzle, it wasn’t that damn bad. About half my starts are actually smooth now. And besides: my car is a growly sexy beast, baby. Grr.

  • On Life and Love

    Drum-roll, please…

    So, after some frustration, some searching, some optimism hopefulness, and some wheeling and dealing… I have acquired a car. I introduce Danni, a 2002 Hyundai Elantra GLS sedan: The tale behind the acquisition of this sexy beast? A fascinating one. I mentioned a while back that my auntie had a sexy Suzuki I wanted to get my hands on. I bugged her about it a little, and she said she’d talk to her husband (who bought it for her) about it. I poked, she dodged. Trusting that she’d tell me if she were going to sell it (but knowing she was emotionally attached to the thing), I went ahead and…