Quasi-daily linkage
10 Weird Miniature Versions of Normal Animals – Weird Worm – These are quite adorable. Puppy! – Joel on Software – "Although I appreciate that many people find Twitter to be valuable, I find it a truly awful way to exchange thoughts and ideas. It creates a mentally stunted world in which the most complicated thought you can think is one sentence long." Don't know if I'd be as grumpy about it, but Twitter strikes me as yet another source of digital noise in an already noisy world. I may be done with it soon. "5 Browsers and the Modes of Transportation They Resemble" by Caldwell Tanner on CollegeHumor –…
Quasi-daily linkage
My Java Experience – This is a great post on a .NETer taking a course in Java EE. I haven't done Java EE development before, but this makes me want to try it out of masochism. "All in all, I find myself unimpressed by the amount of work that was shuffled to the tools, it doesn’t seem right. And it seems like a justification of a bad practice. When I consider my own design principles (Zero Friction!) in light of this, I am much happier that I am mainly working in the .NET world. But I think that having this understanding is going to be very helpful moving forward." Coding…
On podcasts
Ah, podcasts. These things have saved my sanity throughout the summer. Some of these are worthy of linkage and sharing. Not all–luckily, since I listen to entirely too many–but some. First, the [tag]Performance Poetry[/tag] podcast I mentioned a couple of weeks ago. Amazing stuff. Another favorite of mine is Next Big Hit. The announcer kills me and the music played probably won’t be the next big hit. That doesn’t make it bad, though, really. It tends to be pop [tag]music[/tag] (and there’s plenty of that new rock stuff I can’t stand), but has recently increased the number of R & B and rap artists played. A fun trick is to…
Self-identity and identity blogging
In the past couple of days, I’ve been asked what the deal is with all the porn/sex-related links here on this site. I find this a little silly, since the proportion isn’t much different than for technology, race, and news/political links I post, but I suppose sex is always an eye-grabber. But this brings up the general (and recently renewed) foci of this site. Along with the recent color and style change, there’s been a small change that may have been unnoticed by casual visitors and Bloglines users. This, formerly my little “about” blurb on the right: Lissa: Runner. Rose-Hulman junior. Weight-lifter. Music-lover. Computer scientist. Minor chemist. Avid reader. has…