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    2 cups frozen stawberries 1 cup frozen blueberries 1 tbsp sugar (or substitute of your choice) 3 tbsp orange juice 1/2 cup water (or however much to get the damn thing to blend) Blend. Put into popsicle holders with sticks. Freeze. Consume! I couldn’t find popsicle holders… or popsicle sticks. So I used ice cube trays and cut straws. So very yummy. It’s even good as goop, which you can see in the blue bowl. Not unlike sorbet, actually.

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    Second day, better than the first

    I’m not very hungry today. I feel tired, but I slept very roughly last night. I even woke up at one point to find WO comforting me; I was drenched in sweat and upset about something. In the morning, he didn’t remember comforting me and I didn’t remember what prompted him to do so. Very weird. I hate how winter causes all the skin to peel off of my hands. It’s gross and messy and drives me nuts. My keyboard looks like a dandruffy fucker head banged over it for an hour. Oh, wait. That was just me typing! Ew.

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    It’s Facial Fasciculation Week!

    Retroactive to last Wednesday, it’s Facial Fasciculation Week! (I hope you’ve been getting your fasciculation on.) Any kind of facial fasciculation is welcome, but it must be due to relatively acute stress and/or fatigue rather than a chronic disorder or long-term use of drugs. My personal facial fasciculation, which has been my loving friend in times of need since high school, is usually limited to my left eye and is a flutter in the muscles above and below that eye. Oh, my, is that embarrassing! Luckily, few people notice it unless I rub at it obsessively. Which I do, because it feels weird. Sometimes it happens in both eyes, and…

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    Turkey week!

    I’ve recently been impressed at how fatty ground beef is. Worse (in my mind) is its fat:protein ratio. WO and I usually cook something once a week using it, whether it’s shit-on-shingles (modified to use mashed potatoes instead of “shingles”), chili, or something similar. This week, WO and I are switching to ground turkey. While not a cure-all in terms of fat, the ground turkey we purchased is significantly leaner. (Unfortunately, there was only one available brand of ground turkey at Kroger.) Last night, we made chili in the crock pot using turkey instead of beef. I’ll note that this is the good kind of chili, with onions, kidney beans,…