• On Life and Love

    Ooh, ooh!

    I now officially own my own pair(s) of chopsticks! Mother-dear sent me a care-package, containing mail and some cute clothing and a turtle calendar (!!!) and CHOPSTICKS. Chopsticks are awesome. Bridget’s boyfriend eats popcorn with them, but I’m tempted to take them to the cafeteria and try to manhandle a salad with them. Soup probably wouldn’t work out so well, but a salad, yes. (Now if I just need to convince Dr. 7 to cave and let us get Chinese food on Movie Nights… broccoli in garlic sauce… yum…)

  • On Life and Love

    Next quarter’s schedule

    The schedule is here. Really… it’s not looking so bad. The long lab days are probably going to be stressful, and signing up for two credit hours of research has earned me eight hours a week of slave time, but I don’t have to get up for class/work at 08:00 on any day except for Wednesday, which means I officially have scheduled workout time. I also don’t have extracurriculars on Monday and Friday evenings, so I can unwind before homeworking or going out. Also nice is the “empty” time before Thorn on Wednesdays and Thursdays. And it still is only 14 credit hours. I have supposedly good profs for all…

  • On Life and Love

    Slacker bumness

    I’ve been feeling like crap this week, and am using that as an excuse to work less and sleep more. Some would be proud. I just want another nap, preferably uninterrupted. On my way to lunch yesterday, I ran into Texas-D. Texas-D is a very nice, very charming sophomore who’s involved quite heavily with the Film Club (as are newspaper-Bob and several others on the newspaper staff). So he stops me and randomly asks me to say, “Guys, you know I’m a chick, right?” I do so, and he begs me to pretty please go to the library later that day to record a quick line for him. He emphasized…