Funny Voices, Funny Lists, and GUCCI
Just a few links and a vibeo as I get back into the swing of things. The Complete Rules For Games | Rock, Paper, Shotgun – How can one not like do's and don't's for games? Especially when so many ring true? Lots of people can’t fire their insurance companies | The Incidental Economist – "[L]et’s unpack the idea that if individuals have their own insurance, the “insurance company will have an incentive to keep [them] healthy”. That’s totally backwards. The idea that people might fire their insurance companies is exactly why they don’t have an incentive to keep you healthy." This guy's pretty damn good. The De Niro impression…
Weekly Linkage: Games, Books, and People
This week’s internet cruising: EA takes games from Steam – Hilariously written, and found because I was eyeballing Dragon Age 2 to see if it still comes with Mass Effect, as it did once. …Not that I want DA2. I haven't finished the first one yet. Abortion may be legal, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to get one – Includes numbers from a rather large sample-size survey that was done. Showcase of Inspiring Arabic Calligraphy Artworks – Just a compilation post, but gorgeous. Showed up on my news feed. Made me feel shocked,… | – Aw, hell no.
Weekly Linkage: Grumpy Heroines, CRUD, and Prison Work
This week’s internet cruising: Questionable Content – Tool reference! What does English sound like to foreign ears? – The Blogs at HowStuffWorks – An absolutely amazing song and video by an Italian comedian faking English, plus some adorable animal sounds. Why CRUD might be what they want, but may not be what they need – Reading this sent me back to an old client’s site (from almost two years ago), remembering the CRUD-based admin console I developed that was such an incorrect way to go about giving them the functionality they needed. Oy. Renaming Many Files At Once with Pattern Matching in Bash | Andy Regan – This proved very…
Weekly Linkage: Flipping Friday
Greg and I are doing part two of our honeymoon this weekend with a visit to Pawleys Island. I’m not sure about the whole “arrogantly shabby” thing, but we’ve never been to a North/South Carolina beach, so it’ll be an adventure. I hope it’s not too cold for swimming. …I might swim regardless. Hill Gardens of Maine – What’s Wrong With My Seedlings? – Awesome article on light and temperature treatment of indoor plants and why seedlings end up spindly and weak (like mine are!). Twitter / @Adwoa D. : Political Correctness – Weird to link to something on Twitter here, but I love this statement. WikiLeaks: grand jury hearing…
Weekly Linkage: Politics, Money, and Some Music
The original posting of this was horribly borked. I may be switching link-posting plugins. Warm and Fuzzy Budgeting – "You have things that matter to you. Hopes, and goals, and dreams. This is going to sound cheesy, but I think it’s true: Your budget is simply your hopes, and goals, and dreams … on paper." Maybe those tax incentives for creating new jobs should be for hiring a currently unemployed person | Prometheus 6 – What? How are you only going to hire people who already have jobs? "Members of Congress had urged the commission to explore the issue, after reading press reports of numerous instances in which employers and…