Midnight linkage
molly.com » <object>ification blues » An excellent, excellent poem from a visitor to SXSW (oh, how I wish I could be there!).
Feed a starving child
Oh, look! For only 160 hours out of my life, I’ll do at least 19 more damage on every spell I cast. I just got two percent better. For 160 hours? That’s a month of full-time work. That’s an approximate economic value of $16,000 dollars at contractor’s wages. That’s 44 years of feeding a starving child somewhere in the world, every day of his life. (From The Sword of Courteous Debate‘s “I like gaming“, courtesy of Elf.) I wonder about this sort of thing every time I hear someone start talking about World of Warcraft, and particularly when the discussion lasts more than about 30 seconds. That’s the sign that…
The waiting begins…
Thesis proposal submitted… Dear god, kill me now. I don’t wanna wait…
Midnight linkage
Nev. Proposal Raises Evolution Questions – Yahoo! News » Courtesy of Elf Sternberg, this makes for interesting (if sad, for those that violently push for evolution only to be taught in schools) reading.
Cho knows how to do it
Because I don’t care about food, it is there when I want it, I don’t crave it and want it and think about it. Since I can have everything, nothing is that important. I don’t need to eat a whole cake because I can eat a whole cake every day every meal if I want and I don’t care. I don’t prepare to eat because I might be hungry later and ‘they’ won’t have what I have to eat. When I am hungry, I eat. You know, that is what the weird diet is. Margaret Cho’s “Fuck It Diet“