• On Life and Love


    Yesterday was the first time I had exercised in the four weeks since I started working on campus at Harding. Most things “me” had been submerged for the good of teaching. Except that teaching’s hard. And endless. But I don’t want to write about teaching here. It takes up enough of my life that I don’t want it to take this space, too. All sorts of non-teaching things happened in the last month. I went to a club for the first time (dancing is so cathartic). I’ve neglected too many old friends (including one particularly unforgivable lapse). I’ll write more when my life has more of a sense of balance…

  • On Life and Love

    This Week’s Del.icio.us bookmarks

    Shared bookmarks for del.icio.us user Irrsinn What Do Teachers Really Make? Taylor Mali… – Cellfish.com — Hell, yeah! Rock on, brother. Except… I hope you don’t really teach like that. That’s… that’s not good teaching. Tagged as: [education teaching] Do We Really Need A Law To Protect Fat Workers? – The Boston Globe — Tastee tastee fat-hate. This is an interesting article that covers a wide range of issues. Tagged as: [fathate] Mark Atwood – Some advice, if you are going to speak at a geek conference. — This is an amazingly wonderful list. I plan to keep it on hand — even though I’m a teacher now (and hence…

  • On Life and Love

    Tay Zonday

    Watch this. And listen to his voice. And listen to his lyrics. A beautiful song. I think it takes him about 10 seconds to get into a pitch/rhythm I like, but those lyrics make it up for all. Make a mess when you’re depressed Wake without a drop of rest Ace a test and wipe your brow Pay your credit card somehow His youtube page is here, and I got a big kick out of “Internet Dream“. In fact, hell, here it is, too: Ah… Reminds me of Rose. And WO. And Ryan. And Luke. (And all of our mothers!) Damn. Clickity-click. Some of his other pieces, alas… Not so…

  • Uncategorized

    “Pretty Strong”

    So I promised a Runner’s World article on beauty. Here it is. I particularly love the following paragraph: My PRs will never garner attention or generate awards. But when I run, I am 100 percent me–my strengths and weaknesses play out like a cracked-open diary, my emotions often as raw as the chafing from my jog bra. In my ultimate moments of vulnerability, I am twice the woman I was when I thought I was meant to look pretty on the sidelines. Sweaty and smiling, breathless and beautiful: Running helps us all shine. A lesson worth passing along. Yum, running. I’ve been experimenting a bit with running on the (unpaved)…