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    Time for the Unscheduled

    I know an increasing number of folks now who are either unemployed or self-employed, and I find that as envious as I am of their ability to make excellent use of their time, I have to actively work to avoid being burned by their lack of sense of time. Or self-burning: Me: Hey, So-and-So, did you hear back about that project proposal you submitted a while back? So-and-So: No. Maybe I should check on that. Me: Oh. It’s been, like, months. So-and-So: Yeah… It’d be nice to get that project. Me: Like… someday?

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    The Move: Adventurous, Painful, Mostly Done

    All that’s left are little bits, the plants, and the cleaning. Oh, the cleaning… We had amazing and invaluable help from Chris and Shurn, but I’m pretty confident that our next move will use hired help. It’s just not cool to inflict that on people you love.

  • On Life and Love

    Pity Serves No End

    I recently started attending an ethical explorations group that’s reading and discussing the 1998 book Drugs, edited by Jeffrey Schaler, and while I’m thoroughly enjoying the banter and ideas being spouted, two things have gotten my back up in my first two sessions: Ageism against youth, and Dehumanization of drug users

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    Project Complete: Bir’day Blanket!

    In a desperate crush this weekend, I finished Greg’s blanket. It wasn’t that I was four months late finishing it, it was that I was so. tired. of basketweave. If I had to do one more damn repeat, I was probably going to put the thing on hiatus, silly as that would have been. The finished product is long enough for Greg to stretch out and pretend to sleep under: Unfortunately, I have some of the eggplant yarn left. Anyone need a dice bag? If I can find a good contrasting color in my stash, I’ll probably do at least one of these. I spend a half hour or so…