• On Life and Love

    del.icio.us is back!

    Not that it went away anywhere other than on this site, but, well, these things happen. Instead of fighting with Eric Anderson’s Del.icio.us Integrator for WordPress (which decided to stop working suddenly [possibly related to my upgrade to WP 1.5.2]), I’m using del.icio.us’s own JavaScript method (called linkrolls) of displaying links. Thusly, I am again displaying links. The way it’s set up is all slick and dynamic and stuff. Now, if I can just kill the damn PHP error on my archive page… (Oh, and for completely unrelated linkage, see this. *grin* I feel famous.)

  • On Life and Love

    Good reading material.

    “A Hummer to make you happy?” – Honestly, do you really need that square boat? “Dear Holiday Inn” – Wanna stay at a Holiday Inn in Buffalo? Hmm… I think she’d suggest you reconsider. “Why I prefer no tabs in source code” – To tab or not to tab? I tab. “Outlook 2003 – Thunderbird Smack Down” – I recently switched to Outlook 2003. Of course, it’s freely available to me as a student at Rose, so that helps. “Bloody meta” – Not reading material per se, but a funny view, nonetheless. Violence warning. A review of Sheila Jeffrey’s Beauty And Misogyny: Harmful Cultural Practices In The West – I…

  • On Life and Love

    Bad, bad linkage

    I know I’m all silent and stuff. Work and drama at work is keeping me occupied, along with all the other little things that fill up a life. Today I have linkage, however. Dr. 7 introduced me to bash.org tonight, which is a repository of too-funny IRC chat quotes. Warning, they are vulgar. They are immature. They are not for the kids. (To read the top 100, click “Top 100” in the top left area.) Some of my favorites: What is on the floor?! Popup AIM windows are bad. A purple what?! Why UN surveys fail. Can’t get no satisfaction. According to H., 7-eleven doesn’t carry these at all. Screw…

  • On Life and Love

    Linkage on writing

    For the lit-geeks inclined to spend their Saturday nights writing instead of doing homework or being particularly outgoing. Reading suggestions on writing can be such a sticky subject, because people can get into the mindset of “How dare you say this is the the way to write?” (Much like people did with Mathias’s web design canon, come to think of it.) Granule of salt, a nice chill pill, and a bit of perspective, folks. Really. Why, yes, I did just use the term “chill pill”. Welcome to the early nineties once again. Minisinoo‘s written three articles on writing recently that have been sitting in my “read/comment/link” pile in Bloglines: Issues…

  • On Life and Love

    On marriage.

    I’m not really writing anything reflective on this today, but I found some interesting linkage. Jane Galt wrote “A really, really, really long post about gay marriage that does not, in the end, support one side or the other“, followed by “A quick extra note on gay marriage. Elf abstracts this to a discussion on legalizing polyamory (comments are interesting there, as well). Sebastian Holsclaw also provides interesting commentary, touching on the crucial point that only those who see the value in an institution should be permitted to reform it. I’d never heard that before, but it smacks of common sense.